Sunday, September 26, 2010

Neewer Filter Kit...Continue

I have tried my Neewer filter kit last Saturday..Thanks to Jimmy for teaching me how to use..Hehe..

Firstly, we tried Circular Polarizer Filter (CPL)..CPL removes unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water and glass.From the two pictures below, we can clearly see that there is a reflection at D90 box at the first picture whereas the second picture does not have reflection at all..

Without filter

With CPL filter

After that, Jimmy showed me the difference between close-up filters with different Dioptre..From +1 to +10..The purpose of these filters are to decrease the minimum distance that a lens requires to focus.

Without filter

With Close-up Filter +1

With Close-up Filter +2

With Close-up Filter +4

With Close-up Filter +10

Finally we tried Fluorescent filter..Fluorescent filter is used to correct the greenish tone that appears when fluorescent lighting is present..After attached the fluorescent filter, we can see that the skin's color of the kid is more orangery and reddish instead of greenish..

Without filter

With Fluorescent Filter

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