Tuesday, May 7, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 7 ~ Wedding Invitation Card...

After surveyed some printing shop, finally we decided to print my wedding invitation card at AP Fast Print..The price is reasonable and what we wished..Hehe..:P

After received our wedding card, we have decided to print the map by ourselves and put together with the card..Let's go through them..:)

Our Wedding Invitation Card..Nice??

Cutting The Map

Highlighted Our Wedding Destination

Folded To Half

Sunday, April 28, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 6 ~ Bride Dowry Decoration...

For bride dowry, I have DIY some small ribbons as decoration..Hehe..It is easy and simple..:)

Let's see it..:)

Small Ribbon

Done 50pcs..

Pasted @ Toothbrush & Toothpaste (Dowry)

Simple & Nice..

Monday, April 15, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 5 ~ Wedding Dolls (压床娃娃)...

I like froggie very much..I found this at TaoBao..Hehe..Finally, I bought it as our wedding dolls..They are really nice and cutie..Hehe..:P

Wedding Dolls (压床娃娃)

Back View

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 4 ~ Bride Dowry (嫁妆)...

Chinese traditional wedding really spent a lot of money..:(

Jimmy and I went to buy some wedding stuffs which requested by parents as it is traditional ceremony..We have to follow it..At the beginning, I'm the one keep on fighting with parents as I do not want to follow traditional..

However, at the end, I'm the loser..I follow whatever they want..But, I understand about their request..They just don't want people gossip about us..:) So, we went to shopping again la..Hehe..

It is easy to get a chilli red color umbrella..However, it is really difficult to get a chilli red umbrella that I like..:( I went to so many shops, they only sell those with "lace" which I don't like at all..:( Finally, I got my "dream umbrella" at Watson..Hehe..Yeah!! Mission DONE!!

Baby Bath Basin (澡盆) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Baby Potty (痰盂) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Saucer (茶盤) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Hand Fan (扇子) - <開枝散葉,大富大貴>

"HEI" Paper Cup For Tea Ceremony

Red Umbrella (红伞) - <避邪擋煞, 開枝散葉>

 Finally I Got It - <避邪擋煞, 開枝散葉> 

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 3 ~ Wedding Table Lamp (喜灯)..

Last month Jimmy and I attended a wedding dinner at KL..We stayed overnight at Yeelie's studio house..Hehe..I love her studio house very much..Simple and nice..Hehe..

The next day we went to Ikea..Hehe..Surprisingly, we saw a table lamp and we love it in first sight..Haha..It is simple and yet nice..We decided to buy them as our wedding table lamps..:P

Actually we did not plan to buy any table lamp as we had 2 "Apple Lamp"..However, my mum insists us to buy a new set as these table lamps are very important (in traditional)..They are representing "increase family member (添丁)"..At the end, we have bought it..

Again, we did not choose those wedding table lamp which has "HEI" word..It is because we hope that these lamps can use for other purpose after our actual day..Hehe..Thus, we will paste a "HEI" sticker on it during our actual day..

Stay tuned for the final photo oh..Hehe..

Ikea Table Lamps (Without Bulb)

After Installed Bulb (Nice??)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 2 ~ Wedding Tea Pot Set (结婚茶具)...

Jimmy and I decided to buy "untypical" wedding tea pot set for our tea ceremony purpose..Hehe..What is the meaning of "untypical"? :P

The tea pot set that we chose is without "HEI" (喜) word..We prefer to paste the "HEI" sticker ourselves during our tea ceremony..Funny?? I admitted that sometimes my thought is a bit "strange"..:P

I hope that our parents will not mind at that moment..Hahaha..But I really love it very much (Somemore the price is reasonable for me)..Hehe..:P

Wedding Tea Pot Set

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 1 ~ DIY Corsages For Bridesmaids & Groomsmen...

I would like to announce a BIG BIG news to all my blog readers (Sounds like I have a lot of readers..:P)..Jimmy and I had decided our BIG DAY la..Hehe..Our wedding day will fall on 14th Sept 2013..Hehe..

For our wedding, I would like to make is as low budget as possible..Hahaha..Besides, I hope that I can DIY some wedding stuffs so that we can have a memorable wedding moment in our life..Thus, I tried to DIY corsages for my lovely bridesmaids and groomsmen..Hehe..

Let's go through my DIY corsages..Hehe..

Bridesmaids' Corsages 

Close Up View

A Flower In The Middle

Hair Band Style For Bridesmaids (Girls)

Hair Band Style For Bridesmaids (Boys)

 Groomsmen Corsages (Jimmy's One Has Crown)


 Pin Style

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Valentine's Gift 2013...Camera Case For Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s White...

I received this Mickey camera case for my Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s White as Valentine's Gift 2013 from my lovely hubby - Jimmy..Hehe..Thanks oh!!

Love Photo...

My Little White Has New Cloth..