Monday, April 15, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 4 ~ Bride Dowry (嫁妆)...

Chinese traditional wedding really spent a lot of money..:(

Jimmy and I went to buy some wedding stuffs which requested by parents as it is traditional ceremony..We have to follow it..At the beginning, I'm the one keep on fighting with parents as I do not want to follow traditional..

However, at the end, I'm the loser..I follow whatever they want..But, I understand about their request..They just don't want people gossip about us..:) So, we went to shopping again la..Hehe..

It is easy to get a chilli red color umbrella..However, it is really difficult to get a chilli red umbrella that I like..:( I went to so many shops, they only sell those with "lace" which I don't like at all..:( Finally, I got my "dream umbrella" at Watson..Hehe..Yeah!! Mission DONE!!

Baby Bath Basin (澡盆) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Baby Potty (痰盂) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Saucer (茶盤) - <开枝散叶,子孙满堂>

Hand Fan (扇子) - <開枝散葉,大富大貴>

"HEI" Paper Cup For Tea Ceremony

Red Umbrella (红伞) - <避邪擋煞, 開枝散葉>

 Finally I Got It - <避邪擋煞, 開枝散葉> 

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