Monday, April 15, 2013

JA's Wedding Preparation Part 3 ~ Wedding Table Lamp (喜灯)..

Last month Jimmy and I attended a wedding dinner at KL..We stayed overnight at Yeelie's studio house..Hehe..I love her studio house very much..Simple and nice..Hehe..

The next day we went to Ikea..Hehe..Surprisingly, we saw a table lamp and we love it in first sight..Haha..It is simple and yet nice..We decided to buy them as our wedding table lamps..:P

Actually we did not plan to buy any table lamp as we had 2 "Apple Lamp"..However, my mum insists us to buy a new set as these table lamps are very important (in traditional)..They are representing "increase family member (添丁)"..At the end, we have bought it..

Again, we did not choose those wedding table lamp which has "HEI" word..It is because we hope that these lamps can use for other purpose after our actual day..Hehe..Thus, we will paste a "HEI" sticker on it during our actual day..

Stay tuned for the final photo oh..Hehe..

Ikea Table Lamps (Without Bulb)

After Installed Bulb (Nice??)

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